Portugalsko má za sebou najhoršiu búrku od 19. storočia: Vlny dosahovali výšku niekoľkých metrov

V sobotu zasiahol Portugalsko ex-hurikán Leslie, pred ktorým vydali úrady najvyšší stupeň výstrah. Portugalskí meteorológovia dokonca informovali, že išlo o najhoršiu búrku od 19. storočia.

Počas búrky sa malo zraniť až 27 osôb, vietor vyvrátil množstvo stromov a zničil strechy domov. Bez elektriky ostalo viac ako 300-tisíc domácností.

Najväčšie škody boli zaznamené v okolí hlavného mesta Lisabonu a na sever od neho, pričom najsilnejší vietor namerali v oblasti Figueira da Foz. Tu dosahoval vietor v nárazoch rýchlosť až 176,4 km/h.

Pozrite si fotky, ako to počas uplynulých hodín vyzeralo v Portugalsku.

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Leslie hits mainland. Foolish photography. #HurricaneLeslie #madeirablog #madeiradirect #madeiranews #madeiranewsblog Leslie hits mainland. After brushing past Madeira, in what must go down as a lucky escape, Hurricane Leslie headed for mainland Portugal as reported on the BBC. Winds were recorded up to  176km/h (109mph) and 15,000 homes left without electricity. Portugal was placed on red alert as Hurricane Leslie approached, threatening to be the most powerful to hit the country since 1842, before heading to neighbouring Spain. Local interest in Hurricane Leslie has been considerable – this blog alone had 1500 visitors before 10.00am yesterday morning. Foolish photography Back in Madeira lots of photos and videos now emerging in the aftermath of the storm (Barreirinha beach complex, in the Old Town, below). Lots of reports once again of foolish tourists risking their lives to photograph the spectacular waves. The Diario reports that SANAS, whose mission is to safeguard life at sea, regrets that despite all the appeals, there are those who put their lives at risk in the face of adverse sea conditions. In a public notice on its Facebook page, the institution writes: "It passed the storm. Yet it provided stunning images all over the island. We publish one (opposite) that, despite all the warnings and appeal to common sense, does not seem to have had the desired effect. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgSjlsScVoI See here: https://madeiraislanddirect.com/blog/2018/10/leslie-hits-mainland-foolish-photography/

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After #hurricane Leslie #soure #hurricaneleslie

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It’s pretty much all gone! #HurricaneLeslie

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