Kate opäť zažiarila na verejnosti po boku Williama. Šaty, ktoré si obliekla, boli krásne

Vo štvrtok večer sa princ William s manželkou Kate zúčastnili odovzdávania cien Tusk Conservation Awards 2018. Ide o mimoriadnu prácu jednotlivcov, ktorí chránia ohrozenú divokú zver v Afrike, uvádza Kensingtonský palác.

Kráľovská dvojica sa stretla so všetkými kandidátmi na ocenenie, pričom obaja pôsobili počas celého večera spokojne a neprestajne rozdávali úsmevy na všetky strany.

Kate zvolila na túto príležitosť veľmi pekné elegantné šaty, ktoré zvýraznili jej štíhlu a ženskú postavu. Pri pohľade na očarujúcu vojvodkyňu by skutočne nikto nepovedal, že ju doma čakajú tri deti.

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Last night The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended the Tusk Conservation Awards 2018. The #TuskAwards celebrate the extraordinary work of individuals who are protecting endangered wildlife in Africa. Their Royal Highnesses met all the award nominees and supporters of Tusk before The Duke presented three Conservation Awards… ➡️Tusk Award for Conservation to Vincent Opyene who has single-handedly changed how Uganda addresses the illegal wildlife trade, risking his life on a daily basis to combat wildlife trafficking and to bring criminals to justice. ➡️ The Tusk Wildlife Ranger Award to Julius Obwona for his leadership in Murchison Falls, Uganda which has led to the prosecution of 720 suspects involved in wildlife related crimes, and the number of elephants killed by poachers has dropped from three a day to three a month. ➡️ The Prince William Award for Conservation in Africa to Pete Morkel in recognition of his successful work in relocating a range of wildlife including rhino, elephant and giraffe. Through his work, a much higher level of knowledge on these species has been acquired throughout Africa, ultimately helping with their management, protection and wider conservation. #ForAllTheyDo #TuskAwards #endwildlifecrime ?(2) @chrisjacksongetty ? (1/3) Press Association

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